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European DIGITAL SME Alliance and Smart Communities

To achieve one of SMACITE first objective, a mapping of skills and competences for Smart Cities Engineers and Smart Cities Technicians, we have summoned European small and medium-sized enterprises currently supplying technologies for Smart Cities to let us know what they think is required to be able to effectively work in this challenging environment. The involvement of the private sector, through SMACITE partner European DIGITAL SME Alliance and its Focus Group Smart Communities, will ensure that the curriculum follows market specific needs and timely respond to the urgent needs of a city in...

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Bilbao at the 8th Smart Cities Conference

Bilbao was the guest city at the eighth Smart Cities Conference, which under the slogan "Smart solutions for a sustainable city" was held in Zagreb (Croatia) on 6 and 7 April. This is a forum organised by Lider media and the Association of Cities in Croatia with the aim of enabling world leaders to share good technological practices in the smart field. The organising entities chose Bilbao as the guest city because they consider it to be a model to follow in applied to sustainable urban and social development.The Smart Cities Conference aims to give visibility to concrete initiatives and existing...

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Apro Formazione meeting with stakeholders

On Wednesday 3rd November 2022, Ms. Annalisa Rizzo from Apro Formazione had an online meeting with Mr. Andrea Pautasso , Engineer at #Ardea, a company specialized in public lighting systems part of Gruppo EGEA - Ente Gestione Energia e Ambiente group, an important multi-service company operating in the energy and environment sector.  Anrdea actually manages over 35.000 street lights implementing innovative LED solutions and cutting-edge technologies that help municipalities to save energy and money and improve quality of life for residents. During the meeting, Ardea presented its vision about...

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Professional role profiles for Smart Cities technicians and engineers

Our first step for developing training resources for the SMACITE project has been the design of two Smart Cities professional role profiles for Smart Cities Technicians and Engineers. The SMACITE project has designed a set of functions and competences aligned with ESCO and with the standard EN16234-1:2019. This is accompanied by a set of knowledge, skills and soft skills for each role profile, related to Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Machine learning and Big Data, Business and Management and Green skills. For a Smart Cities Engineer to have knowledge and skills...

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Smart Cities Index Report 2022

The Smart Cities Index Report 2022 describes comprehensively the challenges, good practices, and enablers in front of the stakeholders who build, manage and develop our modern living spaces. It explores the challenges, good practices, and measurements among 31 cities, 1489 applications and services, 514 infrastructure services, 1088 projects, and 206 living labs globally.The main findings of the survey confirm the SMACITE assumptions about the need of active participation of all citizens and specialists in tackling the challenges of the city environment, in improving the quality of life in over...

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The Intelligent Cities Challenge

The Intelligent Cities Challenge is a European Commission initiative that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge technologies to lead the intelligent, green and socially responsible recovery. The ICC cities and their local ecosystems will be engines for the recovery of their local economy, create new jobs, and strengthen citizen participation and wellbeing. Operating the fast growing Smart Cities infrastructures and services acquires boosting the technical and non-technical skills and competences of smart city technicians and engineers!This is SMACITE's main objective!For more information...

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Developing emerging Smart Cities job profiles

The SMACITE project aims to address the skills gap of Smart Cities technicians and engineers, by designing and testing a vocational education and training program. The first essential step for guiding all the activities of the project is the development of two Smart Cities professional role profiles for Smart Cities Technicians and Engineers, always mapping them to the ESCO labour classification (compulsory in all EU countries since 2021) and to the standard EN16234-1:2019 for ICT professional competences, also known as e-Competence Framework. The process for developing these two profiles has...

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University of West Attica meeting with stakeholders

On Monday October 3rd 2022, Ioannis Voyiatzis, Cleo Sgouropoulou and Evangelos Fotopoulos had an interesting interview with Ioannis Katopodis from the Greek Computer Society on the subject on skills and competences required in the context of smart cities education.The Greek Computer Society plays an important role in the promotion and dissemination of the principals of Computer Science and Engineering across all age groups and genders in Greece. They also strive for the scientific representation and support of all scientists and people working in the fields of Informatics, Computer Sciences,...

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University of Patras meeting with stakeholders

On Friday 9th September 2022, Ms. Maria Rigou and Mr. Vasileios Gkamas, University of Patras had an online meeting with Mr. Petros Ganos, Director of the Department of Planning and Studies, Municipality of Patras and Mr. Athanasios Kalogeras, Deputy Director at Industrial Systems Institute / Research Centre ATHENA. The purpose of the meeting was to investigate possible collaboration with Municipality of Patras in the context of SMACITE project. Municipality of Patras participates in the Intelligent Cities Challenge, a European Commission initiative that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge...

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