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06 March, 2023

Sustainable Energy Centres of Vocational Excellence

06 March, 2023

More than 20 European entities are working on a project that will create Vocational Training content on sustainable energy to meet the needs of companies in the sector.

University of West Attica, Cluster GAIA and Politeknika Txorierri are SMACITE project partners that are participating in this project.
More than 20 business and training entities from Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Portugal and Spain have joined together in the SECOVE (Sustainable Energy Centres of Vocational Excellence) project, an initiative that aims to establish a cooperation network between centres of excellence in vocational training (CoVEs) and companies linked to the sustainable energy sector to, among other aspects, create training and specific educational material for VET that responds to the needs of the labour market in renewable energies.
Among other initiatives, the Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) of the five participating countries are cooperating through the SECOVE platform through which a dialogue is established at local and transnational level to ensure a common approach in all countries.
In addition to the constitution of this platform, the project envisages the production of educational material that will make VET respond to the needs of the labour market in terms of the profile of sustainable energy professionals; the promotion of synergies between industry representatives and VET organisations; the promotion of an inclusive and attractive approach of VET towards women and the incorporation of a culture of quality and innovation in vocational education and training.
This is a project led by the University of West Attica (UNIWA) in Athens, funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme and aligned with the European Green Deal, a package of initiatives whose aim is to set the EU on the path towards an ecological transition, with the objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
The programme also foresees the development of activities like:
- 28 local and transnational workshops.
- Networking events with the participation of around 600 professionals.
- International mobility programmes for 45 VET students.
- The organisation of 9 VET trainings for girls in secondary education (180 participants).
- 4 capacity building events (training of 89 people from partner organisations).
- Organisation of 3 Transnational Conferences (for a total of 210 participants).