The main aim of the SMACITE project is three-fold:
- To fill the skills gap of technicians and engineers designing, developing, and operating Smart Cities infrastructures and services.
- To upgrade the accessibility of Smart Cities professionals to high quality training materials by adjusting proper educational tools and developing profession-specific learning resources.
- To unify the appropriate learning outcomes of Smart Cities technicians and engineers and thus improve their mobility throughout EU countries.
The specific project objectives are the following:
- Define the emerging job profiles of “Smart Cities Technician” and “Smart Cities Engineer” in line with ESCO, eCF and DigComp to support the transferability and recognition of the developed competences
- Design the Smart Cities multi-disciplinary and learning outcomes-oriented curriculum.
- Design the learning resources of the curriculum
- Design a diagnostic tool to identify the training needs of Smart Cities technicians and engineers and propose flexible and personalized learning pathways
- Develop a MOOC for the upskilling/reskilling at Smart Cities enabling technologies (e.g. Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data)
- Develop a Virtual Worlds platform for the upskilling/reskilling at soft, entrepreneurial and green skills
- Design certification tools to verify the competences
- Pilot the curriculum with Smart Cities technicians and engineers from Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, and Spain and evaluate the experience
- Measure the curriculum impact
- Disseminate project at the target audience
- Take measure to support the exploitation and sustainability of project results