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18 January, 2023

European DIGITAL SME Alliance and Smart Communities

18 January, 2023

To achieve one of SMACITE first objective, a mapping of skills and competences for Smart Cities Engineers and Smart Cities Technicians, we have summoned European small and medium-sized enterprises currently supplying technologies for Smart Cities to let us know what they think is required to be able to effectively work in this challenging environment.
The involvement of the private sector, through SMACITE partner European DIGITAL SME Alliance and its Focus Group Smart Communities, will ensure that the curriculum follows market specific needs and timely respond to the urgent needs of a city in its digitalisation journey. This focus groups has the following objectives:

  • Bringing together European digital SMEs and Public Authorities to create a collaborative and flourishing open innovation ecosystem.
  • Creating a framework where local SMEs can develop and deploy their trustworthy digital services made in Europe for their communities and beyond, enhancing social value and boosting inclusive growth by attracting high skilled talents and creating jobs.
  • Improving the living experience of all citizens by bridging the gap between rural and urban areas with cutting-edge digital services and products to be deployed in the community and beyond, in an open digital environment

To learn more about the SMACITE project visit our website and follows us on social media!