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18 January, 2023

Bilbao at the 8th Smart Cities Conference

18 January, 2023

Bilbao was the guest city at the eighth Smart Cities Conference, which under the slogan "Smart solutions for a sustainable city" was held in Zagreb (Croatia) on 6 and 7 April. This is a forum organised by Lider media and the Association of Cities in Croatia with the aim of enabling world leaders to share good technological practices in the smart field. The organising entities chose Bilbao as the guest city because they consider it to be a model to follow in applied to sustainable urban and social development.

The Smart Cities Conference aims to give visibility to concrete initiatives and existing strategies; thus, during these two days, topics such as mobility, traffic, infrastructure solutions, reduction of CO2 emissions, public lighting systems, renewable energies, as well as ideas on the transformation from big data to Smart data were discussed.