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18 January, 2023

Professional role profiles for Smart Cities technicians and engineers

18 January, 2023

Our first step for developing training resources for the SMACITE project has been the design of two Smart Cities professional role profiles for Smart Cities Technicians and Engineers
The SMACITE project has designed a set of functions and competences aligned with ESCO and with the standard EN16234-1:2019. This is accompanied by a set of knowledge, skills and soft skills for each role profile, related to Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Machine learning and Big Data, Business and Management and Green skills. 

For a Smart Cities Engineer to have knowledge and skills in the categories mentioned above are essential. As well as developing soft skills related to accountability, communication, ethical behaviour, leadership, self-management and tenacity.  

For a Smart Cities Technician there are essential knowledge and skills such as Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Data Analytics while knowledge and skills on Machine learning and Big Data, Business and Management and Green can be considered as optional. Essential soft skills for a technician are the ones related to accountability, communication, ethical behaviour, self management and tenacity. 

As example, here is the mapping done to the standard EN16234-1:2019 for ICT professional competences, also known as e-Competence Framework. Similar mapping has been done to ESCO. You will be able to find more information in the deliverable "D2.1: Smart Cities competences map and emerging job profiles" of SMACITE project.